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Android Test Cases (Android Testing Criteria)

Android Test Cases (Android Testing Criteria)

Sym­bian Signed Tests Cases v 4.0.14

This ver­sion of the test cri­te­ria is in effect from 5th Jan­u­ary 2010.

Ref­er­ence: Sym­bian Signed Test Criteria

TEST 1 — Installation
Before start­ing the test round, use a file man­ager to note the free user space avail­able on the phone. You will need this infor­ma­tion in test 8.
1 Install the appli­ca­tion being tested.

The appli­ca­tion must install with­out error.

2 Dur­ing instal­la­tion note the ver­sion num­ber pre­sented to the user.

The ver­sion num­ber must match that spec­i­fied dur­ing submission.

3Ver­ify that the appli­ca­tion has suc­cess­fully installed on the device by nav­i­gat­ing to the area on the phone where new appli­ca­tions are installed.

The appli­ca­tion should present one or more icon(s) on the phone.

For any sub­mis­sions which do not appear obvi­ously once installed, the sub­mit­ter must include details in the sub­mis­sion state­ment of how suc­cess­ful instal­la­tion can be verified.

If the con­tent does not appear obvi­ously on the device once installed, and spe­cific instruc­tions are lack­ing in the sub­mis­sion state­ment, then this test will be failed.

TEST 2 — Appli­ca­tion start/stop behaviour
1 Start the appli­ca­tion by select­ing the icon or fol­low­ing the steps out­lined in the sub­mis­sion statement

Nav­i­gate to the Task Man­ager and check that the appli­ca­tion appears there.

2Close the appli­ca­tion from the Task Manager.

Exit the Task Man­ager, and re-launch the Task Manager.

The appli­ca­tion must no longer appear in the Task Manager.

3Start the appli­ca­tion as in Step 1.

Go to the Task Man­ager to ver­ify that the appli­ca­tion is running.

The appli­ca­tion must appear in the task manager.

4Close the appli­ca­tion from within the appli­ca­tion UI and then return to the Task Manager.

The appli­ca­tion must no longer be run­ning and must no longer appear in the task manager.

5Restart the appli­ca­tion as in Step 1.

Nav­i­gate to the Task Manager.

The appli­ca­tion must once again appear in the Task Manager.

An appli­ca­tion which must run in the back­ground does not need to appear in the Task Man­ager or present a UI so long as the devel­oper jus­ti­fies this behav­iour dur­ing submission.

All appli­ca­tions must have some way of ver­i­fy­ing that they are run­ning on the device, though, and the devel­oper should pro­vide this information.

TEST 3 — Appli­ca­tion credentials
1 With the appli­ca­tion run­ning, check the name of the appli­ca­tion dis­played on the phone.

The appli­ca­tion must dis­play the same name on the phone as stated dur­ing submission.

2Note the func­tion­al­ity of the appli­ca­tion as it runs on the device.

The basic func­tion­al­ity of the appli­ca­tion must match that declared dur­ing submission.

Step 1 does not apply to appli­ca­tions which do not have a UI

VoIP appli­ca­tions must present a UI in order to pass this test.

TEST 4 — No dis­rup­tion to voice calls
1 With the appli­ca­tion installed and run­ning use a sec­ond phone to call the test device.

The incom­ing call must be indi­cated to the user on the test device.

2Answer the call on the test device.

You must be able to con­duct a con­ver­sa­tion with the other party with­out inter­fer­ence from the appli­ca­tion being tested.

3End the call in the nor­mal way on the test device.

The voice call must be ended.

4From the test device, make a call to a sec­ond phone. Answer the call from the other device.

The call must be indi­cated on both devices, and you must be able to con­duct a con­ver­sa­tion with the other party with­out inter­fer­ence from the appli­ca­tion being tested.

5 End the voice call from the sec­ond device.

The call must be ended on both devices.

6Place a test call to the emer­gency 112 num­ber from the device.

*Please check in your ter­ri­tory for the approved way to make test calls to the emer­gency ser­vices.

If the appli­ca­tion being tested has the Mul­ti­me­di­aDD capa­bil­ity, and has audio func­tion­al­ity, then that func­tion­al­ity must be in use whilst this test is per­formed. Par­tic­u­larly, it should be checked that the audio from the appli­ca­tion is faded down to allow the user to hear the tele­phone call.

VoIP appli­ca­tions will need this test run­ning using both the hand­set held to the user's ear and using a head­set. The test should be run with a VoIP call in progress, and the incom­ing GSM call should be announced with call wait­ing tones.

TEST 5 — No dis­rup­tion to text messages
1 With the appli­ca­tion installed and run­ning, send a text mes­sage to the test device.

The incom­ing text mes­sage must be noti­fied to the user as per their alert settings.

2Read the text mes­sage on the test device and choose to reply. Send the reply.

The reply must be received at the sec­ond device.

3From the standby screen on the test device, nav­i­gate to the "new text mes­sage" option and cre­ate a new mes­sage. Send the mes­sage to the sec­ond device.

The mes­sage must be received at the sec­ond device.

TEST 6 — Auto-start behaviour
1With the appli­ca­tion run­ning, find the set­tings for the appli­ca­tion — either within the appli­ca­tion itself or from the set­tings option on the device.

There must be an option which allows the user to enable/disable auto-start functionality.

2Ensure that the set­ting for auto-start behav­iour is dis­abled, and restart the device.

The appli­ca­tion must not start on device boot.

3Now change the set­ting so that auto-start behav­iour is enabled for the appli­ca­tion and restart the phone.

The appli­ca­tion must start when the phone boots.

If the appli­ca­tion does not have auto-start func­tion­al­ity, then this test does not need to be run.
TEST 7– No dis­rup­tion to key device applications
1Ensure that the con­tacts, mes­sag­ing and cal­en­dar appli­ca­tions are pop­u­lated with data and start the appli­ca­tion as in Test 2.

After the appli­ca­tion has been installed and used, the data entered into those appli­ca­tions must not be altered in any way with­out the user being aware.

2With the appli­ca­tion run­ning, nav­i­gate to the mes­sages appli­ca­tion and cre­ate a new message.

Save that mes­sage to the drafts folder and then open and edit it.

Finally, delete the mes­sage from the drafts folder and delete a mes­sage from the inbox.

All of the above actions should be pos­si­ble with­out inter­fer­ence from the installed application.

3Nav­i­gate to the con­tacts application.

Cre­ate a con­tact, then edit that con­tact and then delete it.

The appli­ca­tion should not inter­fere with any of the actions above with­out noti­fy­ing the user and giv­ing them option to avoid the change.

4Nav­i­gate to the cal­en­dar application.

Cre­ate an appoint­ment in the cal­en­dar. Edit the appoint­ment and then delete it.

The appli­ca­tion should not inter­fere with any of the actions above with­out noti­fy­ing the user and giv­ing them option to avoid the change.

5Use the web browser on the device to go to a web page which is known to work on the net­work being used.

It must be pos­si­ble to cre­ate a data con­nec­tion and to access the web page selected.

If the appli­ca­tion, as part of stated func­tion­al­ity, makes changes to user data then an excep­tion can be claimed here. The func­tion­al­ity must be described in the doc­u­men­ta­tion with the appli­ca­tion and all data other than that men­tioned in the user guide must remain untouched as described in the test case.

The data used in this test case is also needed for Test 8, so leave the data on the device when pro­ceed­ing straight into Test 8.

TEST 8 — Un-install
1Stop the appli­ca­tion as described in Test 2 and unin­stall the appli­ca­tion using the sys­tem installer.

The appli­ca­tion must be unin­stalled with­out error.

2Fol­low­ing the same steps as in Test 1, nav­i­gate to where you would expect to see the appli­ca­tion icon.

The appli­ca­tion icon must not longer be present on the device.

If you used another method to ver­ify suc­cess­ful instal­la­tion in Test 1 then use this method to ensure that the appli­ca­tion has been uninstalled.

3Check the con­tacts, mes­sages and cal­en­dar appli­ca­tions to ensure that that the data present in Test 7 is still present in those applications.
4Using the same file man­ager as at the start of Test 1 check that the amount of user space avail­able on the device is either the same as that found in step 1 or that any dif­fer­ence between the space avail­able before and after ful­fils the fol­low­ing criteria.

a) Exclud­ing user-generated and down­loaded con­tent, the appli­ca­tion leaves no more than 100Kb of data on the phone after uninstall

b) Any data left on the device after install matches the expla­na­tion given dur­ing the sub­mis­sion process

You should start this test with the appli­ca­tion data from Test 7 still in place on the device.
TEST 9 — Device adaptation
Note: The fol­low­ing test steps should be run on the list of devices cor­re­spond­ing to the UIDs spec­i­fied in the .pkg file.

The lead device list can be found at

1Install the appli­ca­tion onto the device

The appli­ca­tion should install on the device or present an error mes­sage to explain that it can­not install onto that device.

2Launch the application.

The appli­ca­tion should run on the device or present an error mes­sage to explain that it can­not run on that device.

3Briefly exam­ine the appli­ca­tion whilst running.

UI ele­ments should be func­tional and text should be read­able in the main screen of the application.

4If the device on which the appli­ca­tion is cur­rently being tested sup­ports por­trait and land­scape screen modes, start the appli­ca­tion and then switch between the screen modes.

The appli­ca­tion should con­tinue to be func­tional, and usable, in both screen ori­en­ta­tions of the device, whether or not the appli­ca­tion rotates in response to the screen mode change.

5Close the appli­ca­tion from the appli­ca­tion UI

The appli­ca­tion should stop running.

6Unin­stall the appli­ca­tion from the phone.

The un-installation should hap­pen with­out error and the appli­ca­tion must be un-installed.

Appli­ca­tions which do not present a UI to the user in nor­mal usage do not need to run this test.

On the pri­mary device — on which all of the other test cases have been run — only step 4 of this test should be per­formed as all of the other steps of this test case are cov­ered elsewhere.

Addi­tional Tests for VoIP applications

Note that Test 3 and Test 4 both con­tain addi­tional notes which apply to the test­ing of VoIP appli­ca­tions. Please read and apply these notes when run­ning those tests on VoIP applications.

Test 10 — Addi­tional emer­gency call test­ing for VoIP apps
Note: These test steps should be per­formed twice — once with a SIM card in the device and once without.
1 With the VoIP appli­ca­tion run­ning in the back­ground, but with no VoIP call in progress, ini­ti­ate an emer­gency call in the usual way.

The emer­gency call must be placed over the GSM/CDMA net­work successfully.

2 With the VoIP appli­ca­tion run­ning in the back­ground with a VoIP call in progress, ini­ti­ate an emer­gency call in the usual way.

The emer­gency call must be placed over the GSM/CDMA net­work suc­cess­fully and the VoIP call should be ter­mi­nated or placed on hold.

3With the VoIP appli­ca­tion in the back­ground, and an emer­gency call active make a VoIP call to the device.

The incom­ing VoIP must be rejected, and the emer­gency call must not be interrupted.

Testing Checklist for Mobile Applications

By-Anurag Khode,Copyright 2009-10

No. Mod­uleSub-Module Test Case Description Expected Result
1 Instal­la­tion
Ver­ify that appli­ca­tion can be Installed Successfully. Appli­ca­tion should be able to install successfully.
2 Unin­stal­la­tion
Ver­ify that appli­ca­tion can be unin­stalled successfully. User should be able to unin­stall the appli­ca­tion successfully.
3 Net­work Test Cases
Ver­ify the behav­ior of appli­ca­tion when there is Net­work prob­lem and user is per­form­ing oper­a­tions for data call. User should get proper error mes­sage like "Net­work error. Please try after some time"

Ver­ify that user is able to estab­lish data call when Net­work is back in action.User should be able to estab­lish data call when Net­work is back in action.
5 Voice Call HandlingCall Accept Ver­ify that user can accept Voice call at the time when appli­ca­tion is run­ning and can resume back in appli­ca­tion from the same point. User should be able to accept Voice call at the time when appli­ca­tion is run­ning and can resume back in appli­ca­tion from the same point.
Call Rejec­tion Ver­ify that user can reject the Voice call at the time when appli­ca­tion is run­ning and can resume back in appli­ca­tion from the same point. User should be able to reject the Voice call at the time when appli­ca­tion is run­ning and can resume back in appli­ca­tion from the same point.
Call Estab­lishVer­ify that user can estab­lish a Voice call in case when appli­ca­tion data call is run­ning in background. User should be able to estab­lish a Voice call in case when appli­ca­tion data call is run­ning in background.
8 SMS Han­dling
Ver­ify that user can get SMSalert when appli­ca­tion is running. User should be able to getSMS alert when appli­ca­tion is running.

Ver­ify that user can resume back from the same point after read­ing the SMS. User should be able to resume back from the same point after read­ing the SMS.
10Unmapped keys
Ver­ify that unmapped keys are not work­ing on any screen of application. Unmapped keys should not work on any screen of application.
11Appli­ca­tion Logo
Ver­ify that appli­ca­tion logo with Appli­ca­tion Name is present in appli­ca­tion man­ager and user can select it. Appli­ca­tion logo with Appli­ca­tion name should be present in appli­ca­tion man­ager and user can select it.
12 Splash
Ver­ify that when user selects appli­ca­tion logo in appli­ca­tion man­ager splash is displayed. When user selects appli­ca­tion logo in appli­ca­tion man­ager splash should be displayed.

Note that Splash do not remain for fore than 3 seconds. Splash should not remain for fore than 3 seconds.
14Low Mem­ory
Ver­ify that appli­ca­tion dis­plays proper error mes­sage when device mem­ory is low and exits grace­fully from the situation. Appli­ca­tion should dis­play proper error mes­sage when device mem­ory is low and exits grace­fully from the situation.
15 Clear Key
Ver­ify that clear key should nav­i­gate the user to pre­vi­ous screen.Clear key should nav­i­gate the user to pre­vi­ous screen.
16 End Key
Ver­ify that End Key should nav­i­gate the user to native OEMscreen. End Key should nav­i­gate the user to native OEM screen.
17Visual Feed­back
Ver­ify that there is visual feed­back when response to any action takes more than 3 seconds. There should be visual feed­back given when response time for any action is more than 3 second.
18 Con­tin­ual Key­pad Entry
Ver­ify that con­tin­ual key pad entry do not cause any problem. Con­tin­ual key pad entry should not cause any prob­lem in application.
19Exit Appli­ca­tion
Ver­ify that user is able to exit from appli­ca­tion with every form of exit modes like Flap,Slider,End Key or Exit option in appli­ca­tion and from any point. User should be able to exit with every form of exit modes like Flap,Slider,End Key or Exit option in appli­ca­tion and from any point.
20 Charger Effect
Ver­ify that when appli­ca­tion is run­ning then insert­ing and remov­ing charger do not cause any prob­lem and proper mes­sage is dis­played when charger is inserted in device. When appli­ca­tion is run­ning then insert­ing and remov­ing charger should not cause any prob­lem and proper mes­sage should be dis­played when charger is inserted in device.
21 Low Bat­tery
Ver­ify that when appli­ca­tion is run­ning and bat­tery is low then proper mes­sage is dis­played to the user. When appli­ca­tion is run­ning and bat­tery is low then proper mes­sage is dis­played to the user telling user that bat­tery is low.
22Removal of Battery
Ver­ify that removal of bat­tery at the time of appli­ca­tion data call is going on do not cause inter­rup­tion and data call is com­pleted after bat­tery is inserted back in the device. Removal of bat­tery at the time of appli­ca­tion data call is going on should not cause inter­rup­tion and data call should be com­pleted after bat­tery is inserted back in the device.
23 Bat­tery Consumption
Ver­ify that appli­ca­tion does not con­sume bat­tery excessively.The appli­ca­tion should not con­sume bat­tery excessively.
24 Appli­ca­tion Start/ Restart
1. Find the appli­ca­tion icon and select it 2. "Press a but­ton" on the device to launch the app. 3.Observe the appli­ca­tion launch In the time­line defined Appli­ca­tion must not take more than 25s to start.
25Appli­ca­tion Side Effects
Make sure that your appli­ca­tion is not caus­ing other appli­ca­tions of device to hamper. Installed appli­ca­tion should not cause other appli­ca­tions of device to hamper.
26 Exter­nal incom­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion – infrared
Appli­ca­tion should grace­fully han­dle the con­di­tion when incom­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion is made via Infra Red [Send a file using Infrared (if applic­a­ble) to the device appli­ca­tion presents the user] When the incom­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion enters the device the appli­ca­tion must at least respect one of the fol­low­ing: a) Go into pause state, after the user exits the com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the appli­ca­tion presents the user with a con­tinue option or is con­tin­ued auto­mat­i­cally from the point it was sus­pended at b) Give a visual or audi­ble noti­fi­ca­tion The appli­ca­tion must not crash or hung.

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